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If the Republican Party tells you to vote for the lesser of two evils...Rand Paul, stop & think for yourself. Please read this website compilation of information links & vote for the lesser known, yet virtuous intentioned, Republican candidate, Dr Val Fredrick. While President Trump was influenced to support the pro life agenda, Rand Paul regressed, advocating the morning after pill & Plan B abortion if plan A does not work. Dr Val says, "The truth is that life begins at conception. The morning after pill is a premeditated, often coerced, act of a mother, denying nourishment, to the life of a child. The small human is killed, by the ingestion of a pharmacological poison. This is the hill that my support of Rand Paul died on." Rand Paul sponsored Juneteenth, declaring a National Holiday of Texas' celebration of emancipation, rather than sponsoring a bill to end vaccine mandate experiments & mask failures. The Juneteenth slap in the face from Rand Paul to the whole of the United States is that he sponsored & passed a bill celebrating the end of slavery, while he led our nation into slavery. We are currently a slave nation because the governing does not have the consent of the governed. Absorb the previous statement rather than applaud Rand Paul's current, chaotic, grandstanding smoke screens, covering his actions. Also, be suspect that the media is allowing Rand Paul's grandstanding. Why would MSM be giving the green light to Rand Paul? The smoothest talker is not the best partner. Rand Paul led us into open borders & the illegal invasion of our country. We are 12 years worse due to Rand Paul. Dr Val feels that Rand Paul's actions on January 6th, 2021, were premeditated, conspiratorial, coup enabling & forfeited the political processes that were in place to protect our elections from fraud. While Rand Paul blames everyone else for the carnage of our country, citizens need to blame our senate, particularly flip flopping senators. Kentuckians instructed Rand Paul to OBJECT to the swing state electors. Rand Paul said that he could not bow to the "mob" of Trump supporters when he changed his mind against supporting Trump & Kentucky on January 6 and voted to accepted the questionable electors. There is no truer litmus test to patriotism than if your senator objected to the slate of electors on January 6. Yet the legislators that did not object, are counting on you being unaware that the charade on January 6th & their legislative approval, rather than objection, to the electors, was a cover up for the cheater machines, from which some benefit & allegedly hold office. Rand Paul invested in Gilead, the maker of Fauci's kill drug, Remdesivir, before the pandemic. Rand Paul announced his Pro Vaccine stance at Calloway County Reagan dinner while Kentucky citizens are suffering vaccine side effects of death, myocarditis, neuralgia, sterility, HIV, miscarriage & stroke. Also shedding of mandated vaccinated workers to our children & citizens, against their will, is a trespass with lethal, life altering consequences. Pharmacology class at Logan College taught the doctors vaccine shedding 30 years ago. Kentuckians & fellow Americans have lost jobs, health, security, lives, family members, businesses & freedom due to no stand Rand. On January 6, Rand Paul had one job, yet he betrayed the clear will of Kentucky voters. He did not support Kentucky's choice of President Trump. He did not support legal, fair elections, when we needed him to object vote. Rand Paul opened his 2016 presidential campaign office in Austin Texas, spending RANDPAC money in Austin Texas to create jobs, snubbing Kentucky. Dr Val thinks Rand Paul's 2016 campaign against President Trump, continues to this day. Why doesn't Rand Paul resign due to conflict of interests with Kentucky voters? Are you better off after 12 years of being "used" by Rand Paul? Why are you voting for him? Why are you supporting him? Conservative researchers changed my mind about Rand Paul & I hope you will look past a shiny object stump speaking & research how Kentucky & our nation have been harmed by Rand Paul. Dr Val asks all Kentuckians to do America a favor by supporting & voting Dr Val Fredrick for US Senate Kentucky Republican.
Your support and contributions will enable us to educate and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund the "Care About the People" US Senate Candidate from Kentucky!
Dr Val will represent Kentucky's men, women & children for Christian values, integrity & freedom. A vote for Dr Val is a vote for your future.
Dr Val is pro life, traditional family, closed borders to non citizens, constitutional protection by counties, state rights, education run by parents & students, no healthcare mandates, vaccine & gene therapy moratorium, enforcement of KRS 508.170 protection from class c felony physical abuse of masking, no dual citizenship of elected or appointed officials Free, fair & transparent elections by the people with hand counted paper ballots, in precinct voting no more than 750 registered voters per precinct, no machines, 1 day voting, clear ballot boxes, no elected officials (county clerk or sheriff or county attorney or secretary of state) on election board, election involvement, administration or training, full forensic audits of every election, open & conceal carry.
Dr Val's education & work history:
Bachelor of Science degree in Human Biology.
Doctorate of Chiropractic in physical sciences, diagnosis & treatment of humans.
Board Certified Physician.
Board Certified Acupuncturist Meridian Studies.
Cold Laser certified.
NAAC (Nutraceutical Anti Aging Consultant).
Kentucky Real Estate Commission Licensed Broker.
Johnson Controls program coder for remote operation of HVAC mechanical & computer program systems.
Montgomery Health Center Internship.
Dellwood Health Center internship (position earned by patient results).
Independently owned Private Practice as Primary Physician.
Medicare / Medicaid provider.
Christian Health Care Ministry member.
Golden Glove Boxing Association Exam Doctor onsite fight physicals.
Kentucky Real Estate Commission State Licensed Broker.
Kentucky Lake Fish & Ski Resort owner / operator.
1895 Washington Historic House Curator.
Married 27 years.
Volunteer Purchase Area Development District supervisor of Parents Without Jobs Program: (1)Construction (2) preservation & restoration of sexual assault & molestation victims' privacy after representative attorneys abandon files.
Graduate Our Lady of Lourdes Grade School.
Graduate St Francis Borgia Regional High School.
Undergraduate Missouri University of Science & Technology formerly School of Mines and Engineering.
Reserve Officer Training Corps.
Doctorate Logan College of Chiropractic Graduate Studies.
Logan College of Chiropractic Class President by popular vote.
Logan College of Chiropractic Clinician of the year by popular vote including fellow interns & clinic directors.
Real estate law & brokerage classes Murray State University Kentucky.
13 year Seton Catholic home school curriculum parent.
Accepted: Cash, checks. (US postal priority mail signature suggested for cash) Please donate to save our country. Please help, we need funds for mailing, education for the love of God, family, people & country. Limit per donor name is $2,900.00 / primary election & $2,900.00 / general election. Example, a husband & wife can donate $5,800/ primary. Please provide donor names for funds sent.
Voting serves all of us. Thank you for your commitment.
List of congress that stood 4 Legal Votes & integrity.
Consequences of election fraud...the Senators & Representatives that betrayed Kentucky on January 6..: Mitch McConnell, Rand Paul, James Comer, Brett Guthrie, John Yarmuth, Thomas Massie, Garland Andy Barr. Only HAL ROGERS objected to the fraud election.
China & Cuba invested in a container port in every country that has access to sea 120 ports to strip countries of resources
This post is dedicated to Dr David Martin & Stew Peters in appreciation for exposing criminal letter exposing that covid "vaccines" are toxic weapons of war.
Zappa's dad was a defense industry scientist, chemist, mathematician from University of Chapel Hill North Carolina (We the People Need to Defund). Zappa family lived so close to Edgewood Arsenal chemical warfare facility of the Aberdeen Proving Ground run by the U.S. Army. hat gas masks were kept in the home in case of an accident. Frank Zappa's reference to germ warfare, ailments and the defense industry occur frequently throughout his songs. My Dad served in the military and was a pharmacist. Dad said that vaccinating our military is a dangerous practice, and should stop.
We love our constituents, please send letters, documents donations to 101 South 4th St, Murray KY 42071